The Department of English and Modern Languages (DEML) of North South University (NSU) organized the country’s largest National Language Olympiad entitled Language League 2019. This festival exposed students to various language-based competitions where the students' knowledge of English and other languages was evaluated. Participating students competed at different levels to prove their competency in English, Bangla, and Chinese. This competition aimed to encourage and improve their language learning process and focus on other areas of language. This event also aimed at exploring their creative potential in language.
Students of Secondary (O Level of English Medium/ Class-9 and class-10 of Bengali Medium/ English Version), Higher Secondary (A-Level of English Medium/ HSC First Year and Second Year of Bengali Medium/ English Version), and Tertiary (Undergraduate and Graduate from different universities/ colleges affiliated with National University) levels competed in these three languages. Students were awarded Gold/ Silver/ Bronze Medals and Certificates for each segment based on their performances.
The event took place on the 18th and 19th of October, 2019, at the NSU Campus. Mr. Muhammad Abdul Mannan, M.P., Honorable Planning Minister, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, graciously inaugurated the event.
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